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Debt Control

One thing that many Allied Health Business' share as they grow and start to attract different funding types is and creeping up of unpaid invoices... DEBT. Here at The BOS Debt is a swear word and therefore we do everything we can to try and help you guys from getting caught up in it. 

So let's get stuck into the many ways that we can help


Prevention is always better then a cure! 

We are big believers that prevention is always better then a cure and hence want to give you the most up to date information and an easy place to find where everything is sitting all the time. For this reason we put an unpaid invoices row right in your face on the mega report.


This not only keeps it front of mind but leverages all the incredible features that our mega report brings to you! Categorisation benefits of being able to break the invoices into each location and set KPI's to your practice managers around what is acceptable by when. Categorisation by funding source because we all know those NDIS third part payers are simply not as quick as your DVA and Medicare payments, so set yourself different rules as to when we should see each of those columns turn 0. And don't forget your popups!! To see exactly what invoice is owing.


Invoice data storage

Please don't forget that our system is smart!! Make the most of our comment function when chasing up, looking into or simply wanting to make note of anything to do with any invoice. Simply click on the invoice and the side bar will pop up. Anything written in this side bar will stay with this invoice until the end of time! This means if someone makes mention of a follow up email to a third party payer via the mega report process mentioned above those notes will also be accessible anywhere that invoice were to show it's face. 


Navigation ease

Use our "View in" function to navigate not only to your linked software but actually let The BOS take you to the exact invoice in question. We don't want you wasting time trying to find the culprit in a list, we want you to get in there and fix it! 


Chasing old debt

Once the preventive process is over and there is still debt to chase up on the unpaid invoices report under "Administration" tab is your best friend. 


Make sure your filtering options are right before you start digging in, particularly the "All Time" check box. 


The report then conveniently sorts all the invoices into time categories by payer. Allowing you to prioritise your debt chasing.


Often at this point it is about building your preferred process and getting into work by clicking on the numbers to dig into the invoices. A good place to start is by starting at the top and working your way down starting with the totals column. This allows you to pick up trends quickly. Like what client owes the most money?


Is there a certain practitioner that just isn't getting paid by a particular funding type.


The next step which is highly dependent on the situation is about finding the individual problem and solving it.