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Client Metrics: Unique, New, Attrition, Hours

Many of the most important metrics in the Mega Report and Practitioner report relate to clients. 

While you might intrinsicallyinstinctively understand the concepts like 'new clients' and 'attrition', ita precise definition of who counts as a new client is importantmuddied to understandby the technicalexact definitiontime soperiods you're considering. Does a client who your business last interacted with five years ago count as a new client? Likely, earning that youclient's patronage has the same impact on business as gaining a brand new client.

The BOS calculates Additional clients and splits them into New, Brand New and Returning clients based on the time interval being reported on. For example, in Weekly view, additional clients are "reading"clients with appointments in this week that had no appointments last week. 

The below table gives a short description of the numbersclient correctly.metrics

Clients with:But,
UniqueInvoiced appointment in this period
AdditionalInvoiced appointment in this periodNo invoiced appointment in the previous period
Brand NewInvoiced appointment in this periodNo previous appointment, ever
NewInvoiced appointment in this periodThere is a gap of at least 90* days since previous appointment
ReturningAdditional Clients *excluding* New and Brand New clientsNo invoiced appointment in the previous period, and does not count as New or Brand New
AttritionInvoiced appointment in the previous periodNo invoiced appointment in this period
NetDifference between this period Unique clients and previous period Unique Clients

The 'New Client' gap defaults to 90 days but can be adjusted per tenant, contact support for more information. 

These metrics compare Invoiced Appointments in the locations you have selected at the top of the Mega Report. 

Previous Period (EG: "Last Month")Current Period (EG: "This Period")
Brand New
Invoiced Appt but no previous appointment EVER
Invoiced Appt (with gap of at least 90 days since previous appt)
AdditionalNo Invoiced AppointmentInvoiced Appointment
ReturningNo Invoiced AppointmentAdditional Clients *excluding* New and Brand New clients
AttritionInvoiced AppointmentNo Invoiced Appointment
Invoiced Appointment
Difference between Unique Clients and previous period Unique Clients

For the breakdowns (dropdowns):

  • Attrition: uses the categories of the client's last appointment
  • New, Additional, Returning and Unique clients use the categories of the lastclient's appointment'first' in that period
  • New/Additional/Returning/Unique: use the categories of the first appointment in that period.appointment.

Unique Clients

ThisUnique clients is howa manycount of clients that have an invoiced attendance.attendance within the current period. The 'ghost' value shows how many clients have a non-cancelled appointmentappointment, which is a great indicator of where the Unique Clients value willcould finishend forup at the end of the month. 

Additional Clients

Additional clients is a count of clients that are invoiced in current period but were not invoiced in period period. This includes both New and Returning clients.

Brand New Clients

Brand New clients are clients whose very first appointment is within the current period. 

New Clients

TheNew usualclients formulais a count of invoiced clients who have not had an appointment for a configurable span of days, but do not count as Brand New Clientsclients. The default gap is 'first90 visitdays, toand can be configured in Company Settings by the companytenant afterowner. at least 90 days of no attendance'. 

This definition was chosen insteadto ofaccompany 'absolutelyBrand firstNew time, never seen them before'clients because if you haven't seen a client afterfor 90 days,days then it is usually requires some sort of marketing effort to bring them back to the business (IE: email with an offer, a 'check in' call from a practitioner) and wethe wantNew clients metric reflects those effortsefforts. to


When recognised.viewing the Mega Report with intervals larger than the new client gap, the New clients metric is not calculated, as the Returning clients metric includes these clients.

The 'New Clients' metric wont'won't appear for intervals that are larger than the New Client gap (default of 90 days)

Returning Clients

A client who visits the business after not attending for the previous period and hasn't been away from the business long enough to be considered a Brand New or New Client.client. When viewing the Mega Report with intervals larger than the new client gap only Brand New clients are excluded. This is because in these intervals, any client who has no appointments in the previous period (e.g. last year) has also not had an appointment for the New client gap (default 90 days).

EG:For Visitsexample, a client would count as returning in November of the Monthly view if they had visits in September, no visits in October, then visits in November.

Additional Clients

Clients not invoiced in period period and invoiced in current period. So this includes both New Clients and Returning clients.

Attrition Clients

Unique clients in the previous period (EG: month / quarter) that aren't in the current period. EG:For "Clientsexample, weclients sawseen last month who wehave aren'tno seeingappointments this month".month. 

Hours Per Client

This is the total of all the client time (IE:e.g. class time is counted per-client) divided by the unique clients.

This means that if a client visits multiple locations they will have low hours-per-client for each location but a higher hours-per-client for the company as a whole. 

Why don't my 'unique' numbers add up?

.. or "when does 2 + 2 not equal 4"

Most metrics in the BOS are "totals". For example: if you have two locations then the total revenue for the company is just the sum of the revenue for both locations, as you would expect. 

With "unique" metrics each client is only counted once. For example: if you have two unique clients in each of your two locations then you would expect the total unique clients to be 4. However, if one of those patients is the same patient visiting both locations then she would be counted once for each location, but only counted once in the total. 

This would cause the behavior where you would see Unique Clients for the business of 3, and when you dropdown by location you would get 2 + 2; 

This can also happen with other types of dropdowns. For example if you dropdown Unique Clients by profession and a client sees you for both Physiotherapy and Massage then they can be counted in each of those rows while only contributing once to the total.